Child Custody & Visitation


Child Custody

Make the best decision for you and your children. 

What happens to the kids after divorce? One of the most emotional and difficult parts about divorce is determining child custody and visitation. In fact, it is what can keep couples tied up in the courts for years. As one of the top child custody lawyers in Riverside, CA, we guide you through the process while keeping you focused on a parenting and visitation plan that is in the best interest of your child. With extensive experience working with child custody cases in Riverside, CMS is experienced in taking couples through the process of accurately determining child and spousal support figures. We also help with answering questions such as:
  • How do we schedule when one parent works nights?
  • Which spouse will provide health insurance for the children?
  • How should we pay for the children’s extra-curricular activities?
  • How should we split the cost of daycare? 
We are compassionate and sensitive to your concerns and will not make the decisions for you or pressure you into agreeing to anything you're not comfortable with. Instead, we empower you to make educated decisions that are in the best interests of your children.

If you’re in need of a child custody lawyer in Riverside, CA, contact CMS today. We’ll be happy to help you schedule a consultation that fits best with your needs. We look forward to assisting you.
The Mediation Process Information & Costs



child custody and visitation

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